
HALIER-Phone contact Contact details

Phone contact:
+44 78 439 888 309

(lines are open 8am-8pm GMT+2)

HALIER-Company details Company details

by Abriga Sp. z o.o
24 Avenue Du Prado
13006 Marseille, France

ABR Distribution Limited Liability Company
Staromiejska 8/12 26-600 Radom, Poland [email protected]

District Court for Warsaw in Warsaw. XIV Commercial Department of National Court Register KRS: 0000615238 REGON: 364474204 VAT No.: 9482606621

Contact form

Do you run a hair salon,
a pharmacy or a store and would like to be our partner?

Halier hair products are a favourite choice among women and men worldwide. Their great popularity is also a chance for increased profits for your salon. Go to the section for salons and contact us and we will answer all your queries.

See our section for salons and cosmetic shops